Anaplan CENTRAL Community Call Q3

Register now for our Anaplan Community Call Q3

Join Anaplan and your Anaplan Community Peers on Sept 30th and hear all about the latest technical Anaplan developments (with a special emphasis on Polaris and the current Product Roadmap). In addition you will learn from two international known Anaplan customers (BOBST and Meisterlabs) about their use cases (S&OP and Finance), their implementation roadmap, their lessons learnt and possible best practices: 

10:00 Introduction & Welcome
10:15 Customer Session 1: BOBST
10:45 Customer Session 2: Meisterlabs
11:15 Introduction to Anaplan Polaris
11:45 Q&A, End of Call

You will get direct access to successful customers and Anaplan product experts.
We are looking forward to meeting you in September - so please register today.